Kutu aphis craccivora pdf

Identifikasi dan klasifikasi hama aphid kutu daun pada. Population dynamics of aphis gossypii glover and aphis. This is your first entry to the taxa hierarchy display. Aphididae moraes and ramalho 1980 are serious crop pests in brazil. We compared the lifehistory characteristics of cowpea aphid aphis craccivora koch across different temperature regimes on two different host plants, soybean a preferred host and cotton a nonpreferred host. Long peanut is one of the sources of protein which is easy to develop in every region. Aphis craccivora fabaceae sesbania tomentosa ohai e k, m, mo, o aphis fabae araliaceae tetraplasandra hawaiensis ohe, ohe ohe o aphis gossypii amaranthaceae charpentiera sp. It is a polyphagous species, with a marked preference for herbaceous leguminoseae. Screening for resistance to cowpea aphids aphis craccivora koch in wild and cultivated cowpea vigna unguiculata l. Pertumbuhan populasi hama kutu kebul dipicu oleh faktor lingkungan, termasuk. Tanaman inang kutu kebul memiliki kisaran inang yang luas, mencakup 506 spesies dari 74 famili mound and halsey 1989. Varietas kacang tanah tahan atau toleran hama kutu kebul belum tersedia dan perlu waktu lama untuk mendapatkannya. Varietal preference and management of bean aphid, aphis craccivora koch 2rafsia jahan 1, mohammad mahir uddin, md.

Serangga ini berkembang biak dengan cepat secara partenogenesis dan siklus hidupnya berlangsung selama 6 hari. Kehadiran aphis di pertanaman kacang tanah terjadi mulai tanaman muncul di atas permukaan tanah sampai menjelang panen, kutu ini lebih menyukai bagian tanaman yang muda, seperti pucuk dan tangkai daun muda, tetapi pada keadaan populasi tinggi dapat tersebar sampai ke bagian tanaman yang tua. Cowpea aphids are shiny black with white and black legs. Interaction between aphis craccivora and its predators 1978 found c. During the spring season on the hibiscus plants in our backyard, we find this aphid. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efisiensi penularan virus mosaik bengkuang vmb oleh dua spesies kutu daun yaitu aphis craccivora dan aphis gossypii. The cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora, koch is a key pest of the crop. Skripsi berjudul uji predasi kumbang predator menochilus sexmaculatus. Aphis craccivora is the most important insect pest of cowpea and also causes significant yield losses in other legume crops including alfalfa, beans, chickpea, lentils, lupins and peanuts.

Class insecta, order homoptera, suborder aphidinea, superfamily aphidoidea, family aphididae. Sep 16, 2014 neem azalf as an inhibitor of growth and reproduction in the cowpea aphid aphis craccivora koch. Hosted by the usgs core science analytics and synthesis. Aphid colony, body length 12mm this aphid is known as cowpea aphids or cow pea aphids. Germplasm for varietal improvement of resistance to cowpea aphid aphis craccivora koch. Identifikasi dan klasifikasi hama aphid kutu daun pada tanaman kentang kehilangan hasil yang disebabkan gangguan oleh serangga hama pada usaha tani komoditas hortikultura khususnya kentang, merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang menentukan keberhasilan. Inayati 1 ringkasan salah satu gangguan dalam meningkatkan produksi kedelai adalah serangan. Hama kedelai yang pengendaliannya kurang mendapat perhatian marwoto dan a. Anita, syelfi and dwinardi, apriyanto and tri, sunardi 2009 pengendalian aphis craccivora koch. This aphid known as cowpea aphids or cow pea aphids.

Klasifikasi dan morfologi kutu daun aphis gossypii. Pdf aphids are interesting subjects for studying in yardlong bean because their high reproductive rates and colonizing habits lead to high unit. Host odour preference of 405 olfactory response of cowpea. Control of the cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch. Aphisidae dan ulat penggerek polong maruca restualis lepidoptera. Kepadatan populasi kutu daun aphis craccivora koch pada. Pengaruh variasi dosis larutan daun pepaya carica papaya l. Waktu tanam tidak serentak dalam satu areal yang luas memicu. Suhu tinggi dan kelembaban rendah pada musim ketiga musim kemarau ii, serangan hama kutu kebul umumnya lebih besar, 2. The incidence of aphids is common in the early vegetative stage of the crop and its infestation will continue till crop maturity. Amaresh abstract cowpea, vigna unguiculata, is an important food crop in many tropical regions.

This species is found in medics, vetch and a wide range of summer and winter pulse crops throughout australia. Aphis craccivora koch, mainly referred as legumecowpea aphid, is the major insect pest of legume crops including cowpea, peanut, pigeonpea etc. Koloni kutu ini berwarna hitam, coklat atau hijau kekuningan tergantung jenisny a. Aphis craccivora, variously known as the cowpea aphid, groundnut aphid or black legume. Cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch is a serious insect pest of cowpea distributed in almost all states of india and its management is essential to increase the quality and quantity of cowpea yield. Olfactory response of cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch, to host odours and population of conspecifics j. Itis taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties. Identification and characterization of resistance to cowpea.

Keanekaragaman coccinelidae predator dan kutu daun aphididae. Differences in the hightemperature tolerance of aphis. Aphididae yang berukuran kecil dan tersebar secara kosmopolitan dan menjadi hama tanaman leguminoceae di indonesia. Study on the effectiveness of pesticides against cowpea aphid. Within a few days, nymphs mature into reproductive adults and. Enter the name or part of a name you wish to search for. Worldwide in distribution, but particularly common in warm temperate and tropical regions. In australia, aphids decrease the grain yield of lupins directly, when large numbers of aphids colonize plants late. Worldwide populations of the aphid aphis craccivora are. The problem of increasing the production of long peanut is the existence of pest that destroys long peanut.

Biology and demographic growth parameters of cowpea aphid. Host odour preference of aphis craccivora journal of biopesticides 31 special issue 405 407 2010 405 olfactory response of cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch, to host odours and population of conspecifics j. Aphis craccivora cowpea aphid identification, images. Klasifikasi dan morfologi kutu daun aphis gossypii hama kutu daun atau dikenal hama aphid memiliki nama latin aphis gossypii, dengan famili aphididae adalah hama penghisap yang sangat membahayakan tanaman, hama ini juga sebagai vektor penularan berbagai macam virus. Page designed through the cooperative efforts of interagency itis teams. Manfaat yang diharapkan dari penelitian ini adalah.

Sometimes on the hibiscus plants in our backyard, we can find this aphids. Varietal preference and management of bean aphid, aphis. Kacang tanah merupakan salah satu tanaman inang aphis. This page contains pictures and information about cowpea aphids that we found in the brisbane area, queensland, australia. To test the efficacy of insecticides against aphis craccivora four insecticides were selected viz. Hama ini menyerang pada musim kemarau, pada fase awal pertumbuhan tanaman. General information about aphis craccivora aphicr eppo global database. Aphis craccivora aphicroverview eppo global database. Kepadatan populasi kutu daun aphis craccivora koch pada tanaman kacang panjang di kelurahan kuranji kecamatan kuranji padang. Keep in mind that the search is only based on the full taxon name. To forecast the effects of climate change and extreme temperature events on insect population dynamics, the hightemperature tolerance of insects must be taken into account. Chemical, cultural, physical and biological methods, and use of plant. Aphis craccivora, variously known as the cowpea aphid, groundnut aphid or black legume aphid, is a true bug in the family aphididae.

Interaction between aphis craccivora coccinella transversalis. Kepadatan populasi kutu daun aphis craccivora koch. Aphididae, is one of the most common and wellknown insect pests throughout the world minks and harrewijn 1987, blackman and eastop 2006, sadeghi et al. These insects directly damage the plants by sucking the phloem, and indirectly by virus transmission and excretion of excess carbohydrates from their diet of.

Aphis craccivora koch basf colony and damage on bean to read this page in french. While every effort has been made to provide the most reliable and uptodate information available, ultimate legal requirements with respect to species are contained in. Many north american and a few southern european aphis craccivora populations have a reduced sclerotic shield. Originally of probable palearctic origin, it is now an invasive species of cosmopolitan distribution. Walpers, is a major dietary staple in tropical africa where it is most often cultivated. The aptera of aphis craccivora is dark brown with usually a very solid black shiny carapace from the metanotum to abdominal tergite 6. The damage and bionomics of the aphid are briefly introduced. This paper aims at addi information about the biology of aphids aphis gossypii.

The population of aphis craccivora is above the economic line. Prospek varietas toleran dalam pengendalian hama kutu kebul. Cowpea aphid, black legume aphid, groundnut aphid distribution. Aphis craccivora and bruchid callosobruchus rhodensiansus resistance in south africa by isaac motsoeng letsoalo minidissertation submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements of the degree of master of science in agriculture agronomy, in the faculty of science and agriculture school of agricultural and environmental sciences. Aphis craccivora, crop pest, entomopathogenic fungi, median lethal concentration introduction cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch is a threat to cowpea growers in all over the country. We compared the lifehistory characteristics of cowpea aphid aphis craccivora koch across different temperature regimes on two different host plants, soybean a preferred host and cotton a non.

However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes. There were two significant associations between facultative symbiont and aphid food plant. Aphis craccivora a polyphagous aphid species with a preference for fabaceae. The longest hair on the third antennal segment is usually 0. Identification and characterization of resistance to. Cowpea aphid aphis craccivora family aphididae this page contains pictures and information about cowpea aphids that we found in the brisbane area, queensland, australia. Nualsri southern tropical plants research unit, department of plant science, faculty of technology and community development, thaksin university, pa phayom, phatthalung thailand 93110. The production is, however, greatly hampered by severe infestation and damage by insect pests including the cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch.

In many of these crops there is no natural genetic resistance to this sapsucking insect or resistance genes have been overcome by newly. Stylet penetration activities by aphis craccivora homoptera. Goot 1917, dalam cottier, 1953 bahwa keperidian aphis spp. The ecology of aphis craccivora koch and subterranean clover stunt virus in southeast australia.

Tritrophic interactions of cowpea vigna unguiculata subsp. Evaluation and utilization of cowpea vigna unguiculata l. Study on the effectiveness of pesticides against cowpea. Kutu menghasil k an embun madu yang melapi s i permukaan daun sehingga m e r angsang jamur tumbuh embun jelaga. Cowpea aphid aphis craccivora koch ilse schreiner, ph.

Aphids are important piercingsucking insects that during feeding cause significant. Both nymphs and adults suck plant sap and cause serious damage right from the seedling to pod bearing stage. Aphids are important piercingsucking insects that during feeding cause significant loss of a plants phloem sap, which is essential for plant growth dixon 1998. Pdf model pendugaan jumlah aphid aphis craccivora koch. Nymphs dull greyish, lightly powdered biology it lives throughout the year without producing sexual forms. Terhadap mortalitas hama kutu daunaphis craccivorapada tanaman kacang panjangvigna sinensis l. The aphids, either apterous or alate, are always parthenogenetic viviparous females. Biologi dan perkembangan populasi aphis craccivora koch.

Cowpea aphid aphis craccivora click for html version summary. Pada kacang panjang dengan ekstrak kasar rimpang kunyit curcuma domestica val. Pengendalian kutu kebul pada kedelai 87 1 peneliti pada balai penelitian tanaman kacangkacangan dan umbiumbian, malang kutu kebul. Eggs develop within the mother and nymphs are born live. Description adult females are black, the apterae dorsally shiny. Aphididae on plants and excised plant parts of resistant and susceptible cultivars of cowpea leguminosae. Control of the cowpea aphid, aphis craccivora koch homoptera. Pdf screening for resistance to cowpea aphids aphis. Hama kutu daun menyerang tanaman kacang panjang dengan cara bergerombolan dan mengisap. Serangga dewasa umumnya tidak bersayap, tetapi apabila kualitas pakan menurun atau. Prospek varietas toleran dalam pengendalian hama kutu. Klasifikasi dan morfologi kutu daun aphis gossypii ilmu. Species scientific name, pests common names, glossary, crops.

You can modify these specifications at any time by clicking the change items displayed button in the header. In many of these crops there is no natural genetic resistance to this sapsucking insect or resistance genes have been overcome by newly emerged cpa biotypes. Morphtaxonomic analyses of 2009 aphid collections were carried out and the aphid was identified as aphis craccivora koch. Efisiensi penularan virus mosaik bengkuang dengan aphis.

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